Carlton Landing Community Church
Israel Trip
The Bible Comes Alive
Get ready for the trip of a lifetime! Join us next spring for a trip to the Holy Land, from the Dead Sea, to Galilee, and up to Jerusalem, we will see the land where Jesus walked, where the Kings of Israel and Judah lived, where the prophets walked, and so much more. Every trip is an opportunity to grow closer to God by seeing his work in history. The Holy Land is an up-close look at God's faithfulness to his people through the ages.
The trip is a study tour, which means we will be visiting sites, talking about history, theology, how to read the Bible, and how to apply what we're learning to our lives. Each day will have some hiking, almost all of the time on walking paths, standing for extended periods of time, and probably a little bit of rain. It will be a full biblical experience! Typically, people log around 10,000 - 12,000 steps a day.
The trip is a study tour, which means we will be visiting sites, talking about history, theology, how to read the Bible, and how to apply what we're learning to our lives. Each day will have some hiking, almost all of the time on walking paths, standing for extended periods of time, and probably a little bit of rain. It will be a full biblical experience! Typically, people log around 10,000 - 12,000 steps a day.
Cost and Itinerary
The cost of the trip is $6,090 per person and that included all travel, lodging, and food. We will be staying at very nice hotels on the Dead Sea, on the Sea of Galilee, and in Jerusalem. They will have fabulous buffets and nice rooms. It is truly an incredible package for this trip. There is also an option to upgrade the flights, but we are still waiting to hear back on the price.
Find our itinerary here. You'll notice that we are going to see a lot of different sites on the trip and get the full picture, Old and New Testament, covering the places Jesus walked, and ending in the city of Jerusalem.
Find our itinerary here. You'll notice that we are going to see a lot of different sites on the trip and get the full picture, Old and New Testament, covering the places Jesus walked, and ending in the city of Jerusalem.
More than anything else, this is a faith-building trip. As you pray about whether this is the trip for you, ask God what he might want to do in your heart for two weeks next year. For more information, fill out a contact request!