Take the Construction Road Today!
We're still working on getting the road paved in front of the church, and this morning it is only accessible from the north side. It will not be accessible from Water Street going north from the church tents. It will only be accessible from the construction road.
Head out from Lower Greenway, turn right onto the construction road, go past the water treatment pools and park on the north side of the church.
Check the attached map and pile in with friends and family. It's a great morning to carpool! We'll see you all for worship at 10am!
Head out from Lower Greenway, turn right onto the construction road, go past the water treatment pools and park on the north side of the church.
Check the attached map and pile in with friends and family. It's a great morning to carpool! We'll see you all for worship at 10am!

Lent: Turning Our Hearts to EasterJesus Moves Into the NeighborhoodHe Must Increase, I Must DecreaseSigns of CelebrationThe Long GameA Full Heart and an Empty JarThe Cost of Being HealedPhysically Fed, Spiritually SatisfiedOne Step CloserWalk in the LightSet Free ForeverNo One Will Snatch Them out of My HandThankfulness OverflowingLook and Be HealedAll of Him for All of YouThe Unglamorous Kind of ServiceNever AloneThat Your Joy May Be FullThe Greatest Act of Love
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